Grow as a Leader: Why successful people find it difficult to change December 11, 2016
3 key beliefs that successful people possess that enabled their success can also be inhibitors to their progression. Understanding these beliefs can help inspire leaders to grow and become even more successful.
Feedforward – Eight steps to changing your leadership behavior September 01, 2016
If you could change one leadership behavior today that would make a better difference in your work or home, what would it be? One way to learn about your behavior is through feedback. Feedback has long been an essential element
Have you thanked your piano player lately? May 25, 2016
Have you thanked your piano player lately? I was at a wonderful event recently where a world renown singer gave a wonderful concert accompanied by a marvelously talented piano player. After his performance, the host went on stage and thanked
After Action Reviews Help Leaders Grow March 07, 2016
I remember vividly as a young lieutenant being in charge of a establishing a field testing site for soldiers. We then executed the actual test that would determine their potential for promotion to the next rank. Upon completion of the
Becoming a better leader – commit, know, and act December 01, 2015
Becoming a better leader can be an intimidating topic – for people of all ages, in all professions, at all levels to include executives. A frequent question I get from people looking to improve their own leadership ability is simply: Where do I start? My response is follow three simple steps: commit yourself to learning, learn about yourself, and implement an action plan with the help of others. Celebrate your victories and develop your next plan!
Your leadership “blind spots” – important to “see them” August 02, 2015
I had my new car for only 2 months before it happened…. that dreaded first dent. I backed into a tree while exiting a parking lot in a field. I did this in my new state-of-the-art, technology-enabled car designed to
Wield the 5 keys to a great leadership legacy May 25, 2015
I will always remember a profound question asked of me when preparing to take command of an Army battalion (like President of a 800 person organization): “Jeff – what do you want your leadership legacy to be?” I was a
4 Reasons why investing in leadership development pays dividends February 05, 2015
Most successful organizations do not hesitate to invest in training their people to ensure proficiency in the technical skills required for their job. What is noticeably missing in many organizations, however, is investment in professional leadership development – that is
Winning cultures: Five keys to long-term success November 11, 2014
Does your organization suffer from: high turnover, lack of willing collaboration, lack of trust, low morale, excessive politics, disrespectful behavior towards others, illegal or unethical employee conduct? If so, then culture is likely at the heart of the issue. A
3 Big Mistakes Executives Make in Planning for the Future September 16, 2014
Failing to plan is, ultimately, planning to fail. Yogi Berra once said: “If you don’t know where you are going, you are certain to end up somewhere else.” We all plan for the future in our families – kids to
7 Fundamentals of High Performing Organizations July 07, 2014
I have been part of many high, and some not-so-high, performing teams in my 32 years in the Army and 5 years in the civilian work force. I can personally attest to these seven fundamentals. They were derived from
Trust and Character – Critical Elements in Developing Yourself as a Leader April 03, 2014
The cost of low trust between employees and leaders, and consumers and business is staggering, according to a host of studies by Gallup, Forbes, Washington Post, Maritz, MasteryWorks, The Economist, Edelman, and more. On the other hand, the value of